August 23


Insanity – Philadelphia is requiring bloggers to have a license.

By Christopher Mendla

August 23, 2010

Last Updated on January 27, 2020 by Christopher G Mendla

The Washington Examiner has an article about the City of Philadelphia requiring bloggers to have a $300 business license. This is absolutely insane. Supposedly the city is so cash strapped that it is imposing onerous and expensive business licensing requirements on someone who is making a couple of bucks a year with a blog running adsense.

The insanity of this is that Philadelphia is totally mismanaged. The Philadelphia Housing Director, Carl Greene is pulling in over 300K per year. Green has had NUMEROUS sexual harrasment charges levelled against him resulting in his losing two lawsuits and several out of court settlements. Yet the supposedly cash strapped city finds the money to pay this guy 300k per year. Perhaps they are trying to drive bloggers out of business to prevent them from airing the city’s filthy, disgusting dirty laundry.  HEY PHILADELPHIA – Fire Green and you can forget about harrassing bloggers.

The city of brotherly stupidity should at least waive the tax for those earning less than $300 per year (those people would be required to report the income on their federal returns anyway.

Full Article

If you have a business and are already paying the business privilege tax, you might be able to run your blog ‘profits’ through your business negating the need for a seperate license. Check with your accountant about this.

Christopher Mendla

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